Calculate trophy changes

This calculator uses the ELO calculations from @spamymaps to generate what trophy adjustments should be based on the results of a golf-blitz round.


  1. Enter the trophy counts of the players. For 2 or 3 player games, leave the extra trophy fields blank.
  2. Enter how many points each player received (each bar segment is a point)
  3. The page should update live with the resulting trophy exchanges. P1, P2, P3, P4 represent the trophies received from the given player.
  4. If you see "N/A" it means the trophy difference between the two players was greater than 400, which is not possible to happen in golf blitz. UPDATE: if you want to disable this check, there is now a checkbox.

Note that the actual point totals are only used to see who beat whom, and the exact point totals do not factor into the calculation of trophies. For example, if someone beat someone else 11 to 1, they get the same amount of trophies as if they beat them 11 to 10.

Player Starting Trophies Points P1 P2 P3 P4 Total
P1 0 ---
P2 0 ---
P3 0 ---
P4 0 ---